
Full Moon

Last night was a full moon and I wanted to try something 'different' instead of the big black sky with the big white globe ... I took the 'big white globe' through some leafless trees and tinkered with the gamma settings and ended up with this. What do you think???

Last night was the very first time Daphne jumped up onto the top shelf of her condo .. she's not a youngster so I think she was waiting until her confidence caught up with her ambition. She sat for a while looking at the nightscape of the bay - the lights, reflections, etc. then she settled down and went fast asleep, as you can see here. The subsequent photos I took showed open eyes, so this is the only one showing her sleeping.


At November 5, 2009 at 2:20 PM , Blogger Mary said...

I so miss having a kitty to snuggle with ------ but we made a vow no more pets when Tiny went to 'kitty heaven'.

Hope all is well - I heard from P a couple of days ago and will call her tomorrow to see what's happening.


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