

My squirrel feeder has been replaced .. the cedar box was put on the fire after the platform was eaten away by "Stupid" (see 'Black Squirrels' entry below).
I purchased a brushed metal feeder and installed it in exactly the same place the cedar feeder was hanging.

"Stupid" paid a visit yesterday, right after I put it up ... he stood on his hind legs to look from the bottom, then he jumped on top of it and looked down, returned to the railing and stared at it from the front, then from the back, jumped on top again and finally gave up and took off. Nothing to chew on, no food easily accessible. Foiled at last!
Even the Chickadees came over to see if they could get the food.
I'm waiting for the black squirrels to pay a visit .. I'm sure they'll figure out how to get in there ... they can see the food through the Plexiglas front and can reach in through the holes above it, or they can raise the lid like they did on the cedar feeder.
In any event, this one should last a lot longer!


At January 20, 2008 at 6:19 AM , Blogger Kim said...

I had the same problem with squirrels, and they did solve the new feeder. They hang by their back feet from the roof, and alternately rest their front feet on the perch, and scoop things out while hanging unsupported by their front feet. Squirrely little bandits! Kim

At January 20, 2008 at 3:52 PM , Blogger Blackpool Rocks said...

The black squirrels I haven't seen yet .. but it took them a while to 'accept' the cedar feeder .. 'Stupid" has been here each day and still has no idea how to get the food .. he stands and stares then leaps along the railing out of sight ... They are quite enjoyable though, aren't they Kim? Thank you for your comment.


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