
New Nephew

Here I am holding my newest nephew, William ... going to be called Will ... he's not even a month old yet! The photo was taken at his home .. by my sister. You need to understand my sister in order to understand the look on my face! I believe she owns 8 cameras now and there isn't a moment's peace when she's around and there are young family members present! or any family members .. or friends .. or animals! Get the picture? (pardon the pun)


At January 15, 2008 at 9:43 PM , Blogger Mary said...

Will is so sweet. Yes, Paula sent a load of photos before leaving for the UK. Hope their trip goes well - think they may have lousy weather though.

I'm doing much better since realizing you can't change people and you just have to look out for yourself! Hope you are OK dear.

Are you planning your trip home for the Summer? We will probably go to Spain and on to my brother's home in France - but not until Sept., I couldn't stand the heat when there Summer of '06 - no a/c and it was in the nineties! Also the tourists were everywhere (tehe - I don't consider myself a tourist for some reason!).

Cold snap coming here - maybe some 'wintry mix' on Thur. I say 'let it snow' anything to bring moisture to this parched NC land!!!
Do you get a bit of a rest when they're away? Hope so.
Hugs - Mary.


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